for an exclusive look behind the scenes

Only a few more months until everything’s expected to be ready in August.
The construction work is making good progress – which means more space, more capacity and more competences…

How it startedHow it's going

Nothing changes for you

While the construction work progresses with great strides, we take care of the organization so that everything runs smoothly and your usual quality is guaranteed.

To ensure that you are well taken care of despite our move, careful planning is essential.

You’d like to know more details? Our Sales Manager Claudio Palazzi will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

And what’s on the inside?

We’re slowly getting down to the nitty-gritty. With a little imagination, you can already picture what the finished plant will look like.

A solar roof for the environment

It’s becoming increasingly important for the supply chain to become as CO2 neutral as possible.  The use of recyclable energy is part of our contribution.

Ekko-Meister in the press

In case you missed them last year, you can read the German press articles about our new factory here.

Come visit us when we are done

Of course we are looking forward to welcoming you after our move to the Niklaus Wengistrasse 94 in Grenchen, Switzerland.
If you have any questions about our move, any impact it may have on your delivery dates, or if you have any other comments, we’d love to hear from you!